During the past two days we have learnt the variation from Grand pas Classique. I really, really, really love it. It is one of those variations which is extremely challenging and is known to be super hard. I was so worried when our teacher said we were going to be learning it. It always has looked so difficult!
Fortunately for me it is not as bad as I thought it would be.... actually I think I have fallen in love with it. I really want to get it coached so that I could perform the full variation for an show, competition or an audition video e.t.c. I really surprised myself when it was my turn to do the variation in variations class and I managed everything even all the releves on diagonal first time through. I didn't think I was able to do it but it was fairly easy for me =). The variation was for from perfect but I love doing it!!! And I love the music!!! And I just love it!!!
To understand what I'm talking about you should definitely check this video out. It has both Sylvie Guillem and Elisabeth Platel doing the variation. Personally I like Elisabeth Platel doing it better in this video.
This is the Pas de Deux before the variations. Dancers are Elena Vostrotina and Dmitri Semionov from the Semperoper in Dresden... she has such beautiful legs and feet!!!
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