Well now it is the summer and so far it has been very exciting!
First I went to Toronto which was an amazing experience. I was there for a week with Ballet Jorgen and really enjoyed the experience. The program was great, it is brand new and was very small. I wish I could have stayed longer & highly recommend it for anyone wanting to clean up their technique. I felt as though I got to really know the company closely. I will definitely be auditioning for them this year.
Tara Butler and Preston McBain, encouraging, inspiring dancers and teachers http://www.balletjorgen.ca/
Then I came back home, after a busy week going to the gym, swimming, doing chores, and relaxing a bit, summer school at The Goh finally started!
I can't believe it has been 3 weeks already. We have been having class with Che, Ping and repertoire with Chan. I've really enjoyed our repertoire classes because we have been learning The Kingdom of the Shades from La Bayadere. The first ballet DVD I ever received was La Bayadere and The Kindgdom of the Shades is my favourite part... basically I forced all my close friends who came over to watch it... I have watched it over and over again, and always have wished for the day when I would finally be able to learn and perform it.
So naturally I was overjoyed to learn it (while everyone else was feeling like they wanted to die). The Shades start off with all of us coming down a ramp in a series of extremly slow gruelling arabesques. The first girl especially has to lots of repetitions before we finally do something else. I was 7th in line and I felt tired!!! It is so beautiful to watch when it is done well though and not boring at all somehow!!!
Then it goes into a very slow adagio part, and then it went into a jumping part and then into variations.
I did the Second variation which one of my friends told me to try one time a long time ago, somehow I don't think it was a perfect fit like I had hoped but it was good to learn! All in all after the Coda was over we were all dripping, dripping, dripping... it felt good to perform it on Friday, a dream come true.
Please watch the entrance of the Shades here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4wzCIWHHOc
The same day I managed to achieve two other major goals to do with my back flexibility which made me so happy. It was a great Friday.
Right now I have been watching Raise the Red Lantern by the Central Ballet of China. It is a beautiful, beatiful ballet, the dancers are really amazing and the sets/ drama is incredible. It is truly theatre and I beg you to watch it! When I was in London they were performing it at the Royal Opera House and I really wish I had gone and seen it because it would be so incredible live!
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