Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday Rehearsal

    Today we had a typical Sunday rehearsal day. Optional warm-up, Act 1 for an hour, and Snowflakes for two hours. I had been really tired from Saturday so I slept in which was actually very good for me because I had way more energy for rehearsal today. In fact after rehearsal I practised on my own for quite a bit and then went to the gym.
Lucia Lacarra & Cyrille Pierre photo by Chris Hardy (she has the nicest legs ever)

     I was practising the Grand Pas variation ( just marking it to music with my friend) when our director came in and asked me to dance it there on the spot. I was definitely not ready for that at all!!!!!! My shoes were way too soft (I only wore them for Snow because Snow has a lot of jumping in it and I didn't want to be wearing my super hard shoes), it was different music than usual, and I haven't actually done the entire variation from start to finish for ages... so i did a terrible, terrible rendition of it, which was really embarrassing. I felt terrible! But our director coached me for a little bit which was really, really kind of him and I learnt some new things to work on. I wish I could have done a better job. Hmmm.
    After today I really, really feel like I need to focus on my arabesque a lot. It needs to get way better. So this week that is going to be one of my main goals. Arabesque, arabesque, arabesque. I need to work on so many things sometimes and arabesque is one of the things I hate working on the most. My back by nature just isn't super strong so I hate doing my back exercises every night and although I do them religiously they don't get much easier!
Lucia Lacarra again, you can watch a video of her in the Lady of the Camellias here
It is so beautiful, and the music is lovely too!


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